
About Us

My Mukti Foundation is a Crowd Funding Platform which focuses on fund raising for causes. Foundation envisions bringing together projects and social campaigne and helping individuals, organizations, like school, colleges...... The basic of idea is to be able to reach an audiance in order to gain interest in your requirements. First time in history. The population of the country at large has the ability to take part in the financing of new ventures. The impact - we can only theorize at the enormity of the changes waiting further into the years. Crowd Funding - Small contribution - lots of people = the first universide truly belonging to you.

Great Management
Great Team
Great Vision And Mission
Best Product
Best Business Plan
Great Success

What is Crowd Funding & How it works

Crowd Funding is comming together of individuals to contribute small amount of money & build their networks to do the same in order to supports, efforts initiated by people or organizations. Crowd Funding is all about puting up a project you believe in and want to raise money for and the riding this network to get your friends, families. The idea of crowd funding is all about large number of people puting in small amount to make substantial amount for a needs.

Are their any time limits

There are no deadlines and time limits. Your compaign will remain live or remove the compaign all together. Most users live indefinately as a lasting memory of all the wonderful comments and support they received.


It is a community sharing in a way, which allows all our donators to benefite by potentially reaching more donators, there by creating a greater chance of success. All transfered funds to another donors are your help given by your own good will not to another one, absolutly graties. If you are completely confident and certain in your actions and make your mind to donate.

We kindly ask you to study carefully all warnings and instructions first in case of any matter regarding topic you may mail your query and you may ask your seniors who are ready to help and answer all your questions. If you are not sure if want to join or for any reason if you are not comfortable due to non return policy. We suggest that you wait until you are sure. Every efforts has been made to accurately represent this programme and its potential.

This is not "Get Rich Quick" opportunity, but it is a ligitimate way to raise funds for your needs. Any earnings or income examples are only estimates of what we think you could raise. There is no assurance you will do as well. We are long term business our minimal effort systems is designed to chance your life for many yerars. Use it correctly and it will.

This is not a business or income opportunity. Our donation formula is purely based on Crowd Funding and we make no claims or guarantees of contributions that you received. Each individuals success depends largely on his or her commitment, desire and personal efforts. Your total financial risk is the initial contribution that you donate your reffers is purely an optional, which is non refundable and a personal choice.

Contributions received may or may not be considered as a taxable income, depending on our contry's tax law. Contributions made to a legally registered non profit or charity. May be considered illegal to claim as a tax deduction. Also depending on the tax laws of our country. Every situation is diffrent, so please consult with a tax professional in your area. Taxes applicable as per the Government rules of our country.

Donation Distributing Chart :

First Level Like this every chart ends with 121 referels. And your income grows multiple. From second stage autopool starts. No need to refere for second step. Each and every donator who complete first step upgraded for second step by autopools.